Friday, June 3, 2011

Vogue Italia June !011 .

Note | Nudity Italian Vogue editor Franca Sozzani has departed with curvaceousseduction in her June 2011 Steven Meisel cover editorial `Belle vere` featuring Tara Lynn,Candice Huffine and Robyn Lawley. says this is the 1st time voluptuous women have graced the deal since Sophie Dahl, circa 2000.

Sozzani`s comments may be more significant than the images - in a fashion worldthat doesn`t believe them for one moment:

"Why should these women slimdown?

Many of the women who make a few extra kilos are especiallybeautiful and also more feminine".

Anne of Carversville is devoted to exploring a woman`s world: her ideas, her self-image, the messages fashion sends to women about body image, beauty standards and the construction of her sexuality.

In my extensive personal life feel and my career work on these topics, cultural, political and religious messages are always part of fashion`s impact on a woman`s identity.

Steven Meisel`s editorial, styled by Edward Enninful, are voluptuously beautiful, erotic in the way of Ellen von Unwerth and a gorgeous tribute to Candice Huffine, Tara-Lynn & Robyn Lawley.

These images also respect the millions of women worldwide with hips, a heart and derriere who try to look beautiful and acknowledged in the line of fashion. Its work so dominates our sense of self at every work into the mirror that but a dedicated, fully secure and advanced spirit can stay calm under its influence.

Reducing the ideal woman to a size 0 from the more `voluptuous` size 4-6 Turlington, Crawford, Campbell & Co 90s Supermodels is an interesting metaphor for today`s fashion world`s ideal woman.

Sozzani promises to contain a wider scope of models into future Vogue Italia editorials. She launched Vogue Curvy online and has become a leader in fight the pro anorexic website movement.Anne

Vogue Italia June 2011 Sogno di Donna by Steven Meisel

More from Anne & Vogue editor Franca Sozzani.

Franca Sozzani on Curvy Girls, Sensuality & More Body Types in Fashion

Update on Mon, June 6, 2011 byRegistered CommenterAnne

Franca Sozzani Hopes the Iii Plus-Size Models on the Top of Italian Vogue Make the Industry Reconsider Its Obsession with Teenagers. New York Magazine

Historically you haven`t featured many plus-size models in the magazine. Why are you doing this now?
I`m doing it now because I did this petition against the pro-anorexia websites,and this prayer in a way is going up every day, because now 9,000signed the petition, and near of them, the people anyway in thecomments, they say, "Yes, you are doing this petition, but you only useskinny girls on the runway, in the magazines, so what do you want toteach us?" So I said, I will show you, I will use beautiful women -curvy. And so we did it because they all say Italian Vogue would never do it.

(Note from Anne: I am among the multitude who made this dispute to Franca Sozzani on her website fighting anorexia.)

But why haven`t you - and the remainder of the forge industry,for that matter - featured women who were plus-size with any regularityat all over the preceding couple of decades? It was skinny, skinny, skinny,and more skinny for so long. Even though plus-size girls are much morevisible now than they had been, skinny models unquestionably dominatethe casting circuit.
Because I believe it`s a mentality. Let`s say, for instance in theeighties, beauty was very sporty, very healthy, and we arrived at thesupermodels: They had hips and butts, and they were really women, andthat started this long roll of teenagers whose bodies are still notshaped, most of them. And now they view the skinnier you are,the more beautiful. All in fashion are victims - the media, evenmyself, even the runways - of the dish of the moment.

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