Personally I might have favored a quotation from Shakespeare. This above all: to thine own self be true.
--Polonius to his son Laertes, Hamlet, Act I, Scene 3, line 82
That is, after all, what the tale seems to be most for me. Robyn : To thy own self be trueNow I haven't seen the movie, only the trailer (to the left), so all my data on the film comes from that trailer and the reviews by Ty Burr in and David S. Bernstein of The Boston Phoenix, an audience of the conductor by Maria Chutchian at Wicked Local Arlington, and the outline at Media Database. The shoot began a run at the Boston Museum of Fine Arts September 10. I don't know when the run ended, if it did.
The picture is subtitled A Transsexual Woman's Journey Through Home and Faith. It tells the tale of Sara Herwig's journey to get an ordained minister in the Presbyterian Church USA. That alone caught my aid a bit, since I go at a college which was effected below the protection of the Presbyterian Church USA. Prior to transitioning she studied in a seminary in Boston. Then she spent ten years not attending a church while she knowing that she required to be honest to herself in place to be straight to others. After her gender confirmation surgery in 2001 she began attending the 1st Presbyterian Church in Waltham, MA, which labels itself open and affirming, affiliated as it is with the More Light Presbyterians (which is presently also struggling with the ordination of California lesbian minister Lisa Larges. We are a diverse group in every way imaginable, and we wish our church to be a space where we observe the variety of God's creation.
The various group got stretched a bit when Sara decided to re-pursue ordination. It wasn't very far into question process when a woman stood up with her Bible open and said, "According to the Book of God, God made you a man.".meaning God gave me male genitals."How can you justify what you've done?"
--Sara Herwig
In 2002 a committee voted to take Sara as a campaigner for ministry, even make the misgivings about her gender identity among the more conservative. At present Sara has passed her examinations and needs but a notice to turn fully ordained, but here the road seems to detour. A major problem is that Sara divorced her wife, Billie, and this being Massachusetts, Sara and her new partner, Jenn, were allowed to marry.and they did. The Presbyterian Church requirements of ministers are that they exist in fidelity in marriage - between a man and a woman, or they know a spirit of virtue in singleness.
So the conservative elders are in a bind. They don't think that Sara is anything other than a gay man, but the way they can save her from becoming ordained because she is in a same-sex marriage with a woman. Sexually active gays and lesbians are not allowed to be serve as pastors, elders or deacons for the meter being. On July 8, 2010, by a ballot of 373 to 323, the General Assembly voted to sanction the order of partnered homosexuals. The metre requires ratification by a majority vote among the 173 presbyteries before taking effect.
Further information around the church's position on gay marriage is available at
You can donate to this picture at Documentary Educational Resources (paypal).
The film can likewise be supported at Facebook.
I'll finish with a quotation from one of the reviewers: As far as they're concerned, then, this individual is both a man and a woman, neither of whom is worthy of answering a lifelong call to God.
To thy own self be trueby: RobynFri Sep 24, 2010 at 15:00:00 PDT I was scouting for something to write about/discuss a pair of nights ago and I ran across a few reviews of a new movie that is fashioning the rounds in less than usual venues. Funded in office by The E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter
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