Friday, September 24, 2010

A Reasonably Good Time: Reflections of Me

Reflections of Me
Do you always feel that the traits that take you absolutely INSANE in others are faults you yourself possess? Take Lulu. I would start in face of a bus for that kid, but man, does she make me crazy! I used to believe we were simply nothing alike and upset that we'd never really penetrate the way I do with Boo.

I can't recollect what prompted it, but awhile ago I had a fit of clarity where I saw the true problem. Lulu is Just like me. And those things that bug me near her? Yup, they're the real things I don't care about myself. Like, she HATES change - anything from a different post of mac & cheese to changing schools. And she's super-shy around new people, sometimes behaving almost rudely. She's overly dramatic, worries about everything, cares way too often about what people think, and cries when things don't go her way. One guess where she got all that. She still drives me crazy, but at least now I get it. Those are all faults of mine, things I've struggled to overcome, some more successfully than others. I mean, I still dread change, but I can do to be polite around new people. And I still worry too much, care too much, and cry too much. Part of what makes me nuts when I see these things in Beauty is that I recognize how much easier life will be for her if she can somehow learn now what it's taken me 36 years to grasp - none of it matters! - but I suppose she'll make to see it out herself. Case in point: Earlier this week, she decided she cherished her hair cut. Apparently that very second. So she hacked off the face with safety scissors. Awesome. At first, I was furious. What was she thinking?? Why didn't she just ask me to select her to get her hair cut? Now I was leaving to take to pay to get it fixed. Argh. But so I thought back to the sentence I turned my hair orange trying to colour it and had to borrow $100 from then-boyfriend exH to get it corrected professionally. But that was like 13 days ago! Or, you know, the sentence I decided to try to rewire the bath and ended up shelling out $250 to an electrician to fix the resulting mess. That was but a couple weeks ago. So I relaxed, took her to get it fixed, and made her promise not to do it again. Once she saw how much better the professional cut looked, she readily agreed. Now let's hope she doesn't try her hand at electrical work!

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