Thursday, February 3, 2011

Long and Short Romance Reviews Archives: Thursday Spotlight: Robyn .

Thursday Spotlight: Robyn Carr
This week we are aroused to get you an audience with best-selling novelist, Robyn Carr who has only released the 1st record in a brand new Virgin River trilogy, Promise Canyon. The second book Wild Man's Creek is due out after this month.What books or authors have most influenced your own writing? So many!

have greatly admired the composition of Rosamund Pilcher; her prose is lyrical.No one can get a character up a corner like Susan Elizabeth Phillips; there are a pair of her books that I reread every year or so.Pat Conroy is one of my favourite authors; his multi-layered stories and characters are so wonderfully complex.What inspired you to save your first word? When I started writing, it was because I was a new mother, reading voraciously.I wondered if it would be as much fun to be creating my own account as it was to be kept up late reading one.It was!In fact, it was more fun! Describe your writing space. I give a small office in my home.It`s just about 10X12, but it`s efficient.I take a long desk for my computer, printer and other necessary equipment, lots of built in file drawers and the walls are lined with bookshelves to the ceiling.It`s about my second home.I rarely write anywhere else. Have you ever cried during a picture? I cry easily in movies, and in books, and from very heartfelt and sentimental letters from readers!And I`ve been known to sob at funerals, even if I don`t love the departed well.My husband thinks I could draw a nice living as a paid mourner.Are you a morning person or a night person? Morning.Definitely morning.Because although I stick up late, I`m nodding off pretty early! Check back with us tomorrow for more of our question with Robyn Carr.

THERE`S AN OLD SAYING: WHENEVER ONE Door CLOSES, ANOTHER ONE OPENS. THAT`S TRUER OF VIRGIN RIVER THAN Almost Anywhere ELSE ON EARTH. After years spent on ranches around Los Angeles, Clay Tahoma is delighted to be Virgin River`s new veterinary assistant. The secluded community`s wild beauty tugs at his Navajo roots, and he`s been welcomed with spread arms by everyone in town-everyone excerpt Lilly Yazhi. Lilly has encountered her part of strong, silent, traditional men within her own aboriginal community, and she`s not concerned in coming back for more. In her eyes, Clay`s earthy, sexy appeal is only an act used to charm wealthy women like his ex-wife. She can`t deny his talent for gentling horses, but she`s not near to let him see her. There`s only one small problem-she can`t see her attraction to Clay. But in Virgin River, faith in new beginnings and the office of jazz has doors opening everywhere...

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