Thursday, February 17, 2011

Robyn Music Information: Knitting For Baby: The Pattern List, Part .

Knitting For Baby: The Pattern List, Part One - minimalist knitter

Thanks to so many of you who have sent me heart-felt congrats on our little monster! Many of you asked to break my baby knitting as I end up projects, and so I've had to know that I haven't been doing any baby knitting yet. Not a single stitch!

At first I thought I wanted to wait until we knew if it's a boy or a girl, but the more I've thought about it, the more I think I was holding off until at least the first trimester was done, waiting for it to get a bit more real.

Baby blanketNow that I'm officially starting to face a tiny bit {although sometimes I still believe it's just a food baby I'm rocking} it's time to start planning some baby knits. We're pretty non-traditional in our house, so I have no problems knitting items out of greys, reds, browns, greens, and even turquoise for this babe before knowing if it's a boy or girl.

Because I'm a planner, I hit up my Ravelry favorites and past knits to begin making a list of the items I'd love to knit for baby. Mind you, this is definitely an "in an ideal world" type of list here - I see I will probably not give everything I'd like to, and that's okay. Right now I'm still starry-eyed at the mind of baby being wrapped in as much handmade goodness as possible!

First and foremost, the items I've knit in the past for other babes and passion I want to make for my own:

Project Linus Blanket{it's the first report on the list}. I've already got the story for this one - a natural cream wool - and am excited to start working on it!

Kanoko Pants. My hope is to get 3 or four pair of these made out of acrylic yarn for easy washability, so he or she can have strong legs all winter long.

Sleep Sacks. Ah, the sleep sack. After talking to a friend, she recommended I knit these a bit longer so they can be used longer - I'd love to haveseven of them so the deuce can rest in on every night of the week!

Cabled Baby Hats. Baby hats are the cutest, and these whip up super fast and easy - I'd love to take two or 3 to rotate between, but I'll probably hold off until we know the sex so I can gender at least one of these.

Five Hour Baby Sweater. This is one of the quickest baby knits I've come across, and I love to act in a button band to help keep it closed. I go I'll whip up several of these in a variety of colours to help hold the monster warm and close in the winter months!

Aviatrix Hat. {Ravelry link} I acknowledge that this hat has a strap to help keep it on baby's head, since every kid I know loves pulling their hats off more than they enjoy wearing them! The pattern sizes from newborns to four-year-olds, so I want to tap out a few different sizes to check the monster's head warm all winter long!

NextI'll share some of the patterns I've seen other new moms knit up for their babes that I'm excited to try out in the coming months, so stay tuned!

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