Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Coolestmommy's Coolest Thoughts: Tips on Tuesday: The Road Less .

Tips Coolestmommy's Coolest Thoughts: Tips on Tuesday: The Road Less .
I know I'm late posting today's Tips on Tuesday column. I try to hold them done good in advance, but sometimes life interferes and it's difficult to determine just what I wish to post. Today was one of those days. Then I ran across a script about Autism that I've added to my purchase list (I'm sure I'll post more nearly it when I take it) and constitute the following essay as division of the introduction to the book.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Robyn Music Information: ROBYN LUDWICK - Out Of These Blues

2011 Many a green song writer has squeezed callow lyric from near-emptydiaries, hoping that one day life might see up with their words. RobynLudwick entered the man of song primed by years of life lived. Whenpen did get to paper, it teemed with ink-and was driven by a handsoftened by wind and built by life.Her earliest nights found her sprawled across the folding chairs ofmany a Hill Country dancehall, eyelids closing on her grandparents, asthey twirled each other over creaky wooden floors.

ROBYN LUDWICK - Out Of These Blues

2011 Many a green song writer has squeezed callow lyric from near-emptydiaries, hoping that one day life might see up with their words. RobynLudwick entered the man of song primed by years of life lived. Whenpen did get to paper, it teemed with ink-and was determined by a handsoftened by jazz and reinforced by life.Her earliest nights found her sprawled across the folding chairs ofmany a Hill Country dancehall, eyelids closing on her grandparents, asthey twirled each other over creaky wooden floors.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Robyn Music Information: Pop Reviews Now: #7: Robyn - Dancing On .

love. ;
There are times when I don't want to write about a song, for fear that I won't be able to put it into words good and do it justice - I'd sooner have the song speak for itself. This is one of those times. But I promise to try my best to somewhat put this epic song to words. Somewhat. Strangely enough, the first thing that comes to hear when I hear Dancing On My Own is cram school. Last summer I was in the Philippine equivalent of "cram school", reviewing for the series of university entrance exams I was to hold do the start of senior year - this what what I was listening to during my marathon late-night study sessions with my books and coffee as best friends. So apart from the fact that it's a glorious song (we'll get to that in a while), it holds very vivid memories. It's such a pleasure to try to the song, even if there are a gazillion things all happening at the same time. The name has a very clear direction, and I suppose that's one of the biggest factors - yes, you have synth lines and whatnot floating above Robyn's very full, yet ever so slightly thin, vocals but when you listen closely they all complement one another. The melody's a big factor in me adoring the song - it's slightly disjointed during the verses, but as the chorus nears it slowly gets slightly more flow-y. The gaps in the melody allow for the amazing instrumental to be heard more, and who wouldn't want that? It works on Dancing On My Own because the instrumental is actually something that's worthy of being heard on it's own. Put everything together, and you get an epic song, worthy of it's place in this list. But then again all the songs are worthy. But you get the point, right? I promise you do.

Pop Reviews Now: #7: Robyn - Dancing On My Own

#7: Robyn - Dancing On My Own
Before we get on with the review, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! *hands out virtual gifts to everyone* I'm most likely asleep, tired from last night's festivities, when this is published and I'll most likely be out the full day. But I truly do need to like you all a jolly Christmas with dozens of presents and food and people you love. ;

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Wendelius Awesomus

Wendy from Turtle Beauty is generally awesome, but still more so when she sends me presents! Last Tuesday I had one of the shittiest days I'd had in a long time - Bad things going on at home, work being mental as good as being pretty darn ill - and I came home to see this bunch of awesomeness on my doormat:Wet n' Wild Night Elf palette, NYC Long Wearing Nail Enamel in Starry Silver Glitter, Palladio lip stain in Berry, Ulta glitter liner in Purple, Ardell lashes with holo glitter on them (!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Craft With Me: Whoo Are You- Christmas ! Edition

Go to Night Owl Crafting to get the questions and tie up. Then do the questions on your blog. Then remark on other people's
1. What is your favourite piece of the holiday season?a. spending time with the class b. giving and receiving gifts c. sleeping d. eating and drinking
DSCF3710 Craft With Me: Whoo Are You- Christmas 2 Edition
(this pic always makes me laugh. Cousins. Hanging out.

Robyn Music Information: Robyn Bavati: Read, Write, Think: Writing .

Robyn Bavati: Read, Write, Think: Writing Class: A question of timing

When should information be revealed? How often? How soon? I have in my brain an image of a man bending over a prostrate body of a woman. The man is wearing a mask and carrying a knife. The charwoman is bleeding, unconscious. Undeterred, the man plunges the knife into her flesh_ Can you see the candidate?

Robyn Bavati: Read, Write, Think: Writing Class: A head of timing

When should information be revealed? How often? How soon? I give in my mind an epitome of a man bending over a prostrate body of a woman. The man is wearing a cloak and carrying a knife. The woman is bleeding, unconscious. Undeterred, the man plunges the tongue into her flesh_ Can you see the prospect? What are you thought? What is happening here? Make you understood that the man is a criminal, the woman his victim?

Monday, December 20, 2010

AlertPay Blog: Shopping safely online during the holidays

Hi members, It's that sentence of year again, and you're probably scrambling to buy all of those last minute gifts for friends and family. Like most holiday shoppers, you might get your head on what to buy and prepare for the holidays and make not yet even considered the safety measures everyone should be taking when shopping with credit cards online and in stores.