Friday, December 10, 2010

Book Club: Up Next, Virgin River by Robyn Carr

I am jumping up and kill like a squealing fan girl over next week's guest, Robyn Carr. Special thanks to my co-hostess for next week, Alyson Hackett, who said, "You know, we should do Virgin River." I couldn't agree more!To see the entire extent of my love for this series, come with me back to the summer of 2009. I had seen Virgin River about the record stores for years. I'd picked it up a few times, put it down, picked it up.

You live the dance. Finally, I bought a copy and brought it base to add to my TBR. Then, after my work conference was concluded and my spirit had returned to some color of normal, I picked up Virgin River and decided it was time to plunge in. Well, four years and 7 books after I had devoured the full series. Some of them I say on the computer because the bookstore couldn't get them to me quick enough. When I wrote to Robyn to assure her how much I'd loved the series, I told her that my children didn't get fed (thankfully they are old enough to give themselves during a crisis), my job didn't get done (that's not only truthful and if my chief is reading this, come on, you know better!), no writing got done (that's all true), and I idea of little else but Jack, Mel, Preacher, Jack's Bar, and the township of Virgin River. So what do I know about this world Robyn has created? I know that if you make a job or are only in want of person to listen, you go see Jack. He'll lend a shoulder while he draws a beer, and he's a damn good listener. Just be disposed for him to try to fix whatever ails you in his own special buttinsky way. If you want a square meal or a random piece of information drawn from the Internet, see Preacher. Having a baby? Mel is your girl. Building a family? See Paul about that. Crisis of faith? That's Noah's department. You get the picture. Everyone has their use in the small, remote town, and they wait out for each other the way an extensive family would. In this man in which we are so attached to each other yet oddly disconnected, too, I guess that's what I loved so often about these characters. They are affiliated to the mass in their town in a way about people aren't anymore. Everyone should be so lucky to live in a town like Virgin River.If you haven't read this series, obviously I urge it. However, make certain your affairs are in place because once you get sucked in, you'll be abstracted from life for a few days!When I asked Robyn to do to book club she graciously agreed and offered up a signed copy of her January release, Promise Canyon, number 11 in the Virgin River series. (Yes, of course I've read them all! I told her that I was so excited for the new trilogy to get out in 2011. She said I shouldn't have to delay until January to understand the new one and offered to send Promise Canyon to me. Hmmm, what's an author/fan girl to do with an offer like that? This is what I said to her (geek alert!): "You are too kind! Even though my first impulse was to say, no, Robyn, that is not essential because I am thrilled to receive you to my book club, the other (less rational fan girl) half of me is saying, ARE YOU CRAZY? A sneak peek at the future Virgin River book??? I am too imperfect to say no to this offer, so thank you very much!" It's an addiction, I assure you!Please help me to welcome Robyn Carr next Thursday (and do let me know if I'm acting like a jerk in face of her-please! Now I give to get support to reading Promise Canyon...

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