Friday, December 24, 2010

Robyn Music Information: Pop Reviews Now: #7: Robyn - Dancing On .

love. ;
There are times when I don't want to write about a song, for fear that I won't be able to put it into words good and do it justice - I'd sooner have the song speak for itself. This is one of those times. But I promise to try my best to somewhat put this epic song to words. Somewhat. Strangely enough, the first thing that comes to hear when I hear Dancing On My Own is cram school. Last summer I was in the Philippine equivalent of "cram school", reviewing for the series of university entrance exams I was to hold do the start of senior year - this what what I was listening to during my marathon late-night study sessions with my books and coffee as best friends. So apart from the fact that it's a glorious song (we'll get to that in a while), it holds very vivid memories. It's such a pleasure to try to the song, even if there are a gazillion things all happening at the same time. The name has a very clear direction, and I suppose that's one of the biggest factors - yes, you have synth lines and whatnot floating above Robyn's very full, yet ever so slightly thin, vocals but when you listen closely they all complement one another. The melody's a big factor in me adoring the song - it's slightly disjointed during the verses, but as the chorus nears it slowly gets slightly more flow-y. The gaps in the melody allow for the amazing instrumental to be heard more, and who wouldn't want that? It works on Dancing On My Own because the instrumental is actually something that's worthy of being heard on it's own. Put everything together, and you get an epic song, worthy of it's place in this list. But then again all the songs are worthy. But you get the point, right? I promise you do.

Before we get on with the review, MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! *hands out virtual gifts to everyone* I'm most likely asleep, tired from last night's festivities, when this is published and I'll most probably be out the entire day. But I really do want to wish you all a merry Christmas with lots of presents and food and people you

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