Saturday, April 30, 2011

Robyn Carolyn Price: Tattoos and Torah: One Woman's Journey to the .


Rabbi Rochelle Kamins has not always felt Jewish . enough. No youth group or summer camp. She never did all of the things that young Jewish people were "alleged" to do. But she always wanted to look like she fit, and that she could belong - tattoos, motorcycles and all. Sitting in her office, Rabbi Rochelle talks candidly about her non-traditional route to the rabbinate and why she doesn't plan on conforming anytime soon.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Key learnings from watching every Madonna video

Last year I set myself the dispute of watching every Madonna video - all 68 of them. I generally enjoy Madge`s oeuvre, and she is indeed noteworthy not simply as a pop singer but likewise as a video artist. She helped build the rising art of the music video.

But yet I was reasonably certain I hadn`t seen every one of her music videos, particularly that point in the late `90s when I`d sort of gone off her for a bit.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Robyn - Call Your Girlfriend Lyrics

Robyn - Call Your Girlfriend Lyrics
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Robyn - Call Your Girlfriend LyricsRobyn - Call Your Girlfriend Lyrics

Call your girlfriend
It's time you had the talk
Give your reasons
Say it's not her fault

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Treelopping - A Real Man's Job

For 2 days a few weeks ago, I had the golden opportunity to see some real men do a real man's work. Our lovely neighbours Paul & Lisa had a humungous tree annihilated from their back yard.

DSC04362 Treelopping - A Real Man's Job

Laws have changed here wrt the lopping of trees a certain aloofness from the family because of fire risks.

Life by Chocolate: Robyn Alana Engel's Blog: K is for Krusty the .

images Life by Chocolate: Robyn Alana Engel's Blog: K is for Krusty the .

I give this month-long challenge to children, with nephew Jeremy topping my list. Much thanks to the animated or more serious characters who agreed (or not) to conduct interviews this month. Sure, I had to call them 80% of my profits, but a few are altruistic to the core. At least, that sounds good. Right? My point: Have fun reading this or doing something else. Give a baby a hug today too.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

DarwintriclubNews: Robyn's E News 1. April !011

Robyn's E News 13 April 2011

Photo: Chad Anderson - winner Kerran Mudgway Memorial Club Championships

Hi All,

Good to take the conditions on the improve (finally) with more and more dry patches happening.

Watch shortly for a club uniform order.Hoping this sentence to have IDS tops (M &

Sunday, April 10, 2011

DarwintriclubNews: Robyn's E News 11 April 11

Robyn's E News 11 April 11

Photo:TA President Peter Hedge shares a second with 2011 Australian Triathlon Series F55-59 category winner Monica Stewart.

Hi All,

Sometimes we cast up some little gems, and Saturday afternoon's Kerran Mudgway Memorial Club Championships is up thither with the best.

Saturday, April 9, 2011


This is it I'm about to flip

You're staying But

I bid you were


You're P-S-Y-C-H-O

I thought that you

Ought to know

Why can't you simply let me be

You're turning psycho on me

You better rethink your life

I'll never be your wife

I look exactly like Janet Lee

You're turning psycho on me

Whoa baby

No baby

Don't wanna know baby

Leave baby

Me baby

You're turining psycho on me

Lyrics provided by

Source -

You visit my house

You ask my friends

You wanna know how I'm doing

Real cute stuff but I

Call the bluff

You bitter you don't

Think I love it

So wipe the tears

Out of your eyes

The guilt trip thing

Isn't working

Get your tounge out of my mouth

It's more then only a

Little disturbing

You're P-S-Y-C-H-O

I thought that you

Ought to know

Why can't you simply let me be

You're turning psycho on me

You better rethink your life

I'll never be your wife

I look exactly like Janet Lee

You're turning psycho on me

Whoa baby

No baby

Don't wanna know baby

Leave baby

Me baby

You're turining psycho on me





You're P-S-Y-C-H-O

I thought that you

Ought to know

Why can't you simply let me be

You're turning psycho on me

You better rethink your life

I'll never be your wife

I look exactly like Janet Lee

You're turning psycho on me

Whoa baby

No baby

Don't wanna know baby

Leave baby

Me baby

You're turining psycho on me

You better rethink your life

Don't get back here no more

Knocking on my door

I don't need you around

Just give me alone

Whoa baby

No baby

Don't wanna know baby

Leave baby

Me baby

You're turining psycho on me

Send "Psycho" ringtone to your cell

Friday, April 8, 2011

Animals Without Limits: UPDATE FROM MS. ROBYN WIRE

I have visited Robyn Wire every day since she was brought in to Dr. Damiani's clinic (read earlier blog entries. Dr. Damiani called me after the operation to assure me the remarkable intelligence that Robyn was doing fine after 5 hours surgery. Dr. Damiani and his team had to amputate the whole leg, because if it were only amputated from her wrist she would still probably lean on her stump, causing wounds and transmission to easily develop.

AlertPay Blog: Phishing alert: Recognizing the latest scam .

Phishing alert: Recognizing the latest scam involving AlertPay's name
Some of you may have heard about a scam taking place through Facebook regarding our payment platform's name. Someone out there has been posting messages on people's Facebook walls telling them about AlertPay's "Own0" contest. The message directs readers to a site that looks merely like our login page, but it really IS NOT in any way connected with the real AlertPay.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Liane McCombs Wedding & Event Planning: Robyn & Mike's Sneak Peek

"His" Face of the Story . . . How We Met (Written by Michael)

I had no idea I was being set up. All I knew was that Arynn was bringing her babe to come try out role-playing. At hearing this, I wasn`t even hopeful of a possible connection, I was actually more concerned that this new person might commute the real good dynamic that was in our role-playing group than I was optimistic about any potential romance.

Thrifty Reader: Let's talk about.SERIES

When the new year rolled around, I kinda-sorta had a solution to try and get up on some series.When fictfact came to my attention, I quickly added some of the series I could recollect of off the top of my head.I started out with 35 series.That seems like a lot.LOLBut I love a lot of those series I haven`t yet started yet_or I simply learn the 1st book.

Backstage Interviews at 'Dancing With the Stars': Wendy Williams .

'DWTS' Season 12 Week 3 Elimination: Wendy WilliamsSurprise eliminations on 'Dancing With the Stars' aren't unusual. And, then, there are weeks in which the obvious contestant gets the boot. That's what happened last night when Wendy Williams, who'd scored a mere 15 points in Week Three, was sent packing.

The talk show diva was the beginning to accept that she's not a dancer, and her Foxtrot on Monday night proved her point.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

D is for Dudley Do-Right of the Mounties! - Robyn Alana Engel's Blog

I give this month-long series to children, with nephew Jeremy topping my list. Much thanks to the animated or more serious characters who agreed (or not) to conduct interviews this month. Sure, I had to call them 80% of my profits, but a few are altruistic to the core. At least, that sounds good. Right? My point: Have fun reading this or doing something else. Give a baby a hug today too.