It's difficult for me because I know Robyn. I knew her before she got into a bad situation that caused her to get a bad decision. It's light for me to see that that's what happened to her. I knew her before she met her husband and knew what she was like before getting mired in the position that made her take a bad thing. I think anybody under the proper circumstances can make bad decisions. Now, that bad decision put her in a property to where she may be the just one who can help add a murderer to justice. Last night I was watching some of the youtube videos of national coverage of the letters and suspicion about Robyn's motives. I hate reading the comments that people have made about Robyn and I wish to say, "Hey! That's my friend you are talking about!" I was in touch with Robyn while she was in prison with Casey (I'm still in touch with Robyn via the prison system email and we never speak about Casey). She of course never told me about the letters, but she did assure me that she and Casey were across from each other and made hand gestures through the ice to each other. I can assure you from knowing Robyn that she did not solicit these letters and she did not receive an ulterior motive when she befriended Casey in prison. Her thoughts were that she knew that she wasn't the devil the media made her out to be with her situation, and so then who was she to judge Casey based on the devil the media made Casey out to be?At this point Robyn wasn't confident that Casey was guilty.this was earlier the remains were base and everybody suspected but no one knew anything for sure except that Casey was lying near the whole place to the media. At first I too had a (feeling I can't describe) about Robyn keeping the letters. But I've been thought about it, and talk with another mutual ally of Robyn's and mine about it. Robyn told the investigator that her parents advised her to "do the good thing". As often as I know my own sister, if I thought she suffer her kids, I'd do everything I could to make sure she was brought to justice. I guess what occurred to Robyn was that no matter if she had befriended Casey, if Casey had killed her baby and now Robyn was receiving letters that could at some point help the case, that she better grip onto them. Do I believe that she thought it could serve her own case? Well.wouldn't you suppose that if you made a fault and this fell into your lap? But, the fact is.Robyn went to her sentencing without mentioning Casey's letters to anyone. (I was AT Robyn's sentencing by the way, it was horrible. It wasn't until some other prisoner spilled the beans that anyone knew about them and just then did she release them. I don't actually love what my degree is in writing all this. Yes, part of it is the wonder that I really know someone involved in this whole thing. But, moreover, its to head out that we don't know good by the media what people's true natures, intentions, and motives are. No one but the masses who experience Robyn could know how she actually is and what character of someone she is. Remember that tone can't be read on paper, and things she may have said may not have been meant the way they look on paper. I think I look like I wish to guard her in some way. She's a soul that made a terrible mistake, went to prison for that mistake, and while there happened to be courteous to a soul that no one else was gracious to, and so got the chance to possibly help bring a murderer to justice. That's all. I don't wish the movie they always put of Robyn on the news. She is a beautiful beautiful woman. This scene is horrible quality and we all look white as ghosts because of the lighting, but Robyn is the moment from the left here. (I'm right adjacent to her with the white shirt and braces on my teeth. Still, it shows how pretty Robyn is.
Friday, January 28, 2011
Anna & Essie - Mom Blog, Reviews For Parents, MECP!, Special Needs .
All my life, I thinking it would be fun to love someone famous. Now, I kind-of do, but it's not the site I had thought it might be if it happened. My acquaintance is not just "famous" but she's been all over the news nationwide and leave be again soon because she is byzantine in the Casey Anthony murder trial. My acquaintance is Robyn Adams, the daughter who Casey Anthony wrote letters to in prison.
Here she is in my wedding party (far right). Yep! I was still wear the braces at my wedding: Though she's made mistakes, I'm glad she's my friend. (Let he withoutsin cast the first stone, right?) So when you see her on the news (Idon't know if the test will be aired, but I know coverage of's too big! remember that from somebody who knows her, she'snot a monster. She's only a daughter who made a fault and has now beeninvolved in a subject that she could really help with.
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