I haven't really been asleep for this long. I make two or three saved drafts on my blogger waiting to be published. Reasons they didn't get posted? Not just ones. Oh hey look, be distracted by a picture:

Which picture do you like better? I am trying to see the pop style. :D
I wish to get a weekly FRIDAY FINISH IT link party.And I had my first one all ready- cept for the pictures. Now let me explain. My camera is a large camera. It takes wonderful pictures, considering the low budget of it. It only has ONE tiny itty bitty problem. The battery latch is broken. Which way that it is being held together by rubber bands. We couldn't afford a new one for Christmas, so my sweet hubby bought me a bag of colored rubber bands, lol. Anyway. to make the memory card in and out is literally a pain. Here are a match more pics,

Which of THESE two do you like best? And do you choose these bright colors, or the faded ones from the maiden set?
Anyway, today the hunt begins for the cord that lets me lift my camera up to my computer so I don't yet get to deal with the rubber band. Hubby says we used to make it but it didn't work well. I don't think that so much. But then again, there's a lot I don't remember till I'm reminded.
How about these?

Which of these two? I hope these are the last comparison ones. Inquiring minds Need to know. And out of ALL the pics, which was your pet? If you react to these questions, I'll change 5 of your pics to your desired style for you! Make certain your comment has a way to give you- whether it's an e-mail address or connection to your blog or whatever.
So, speaking of memories that you don't remember until they are brought up- Roger and I were talking the early day about high school and how he had all these AP classes. It got me to thinking- my parents expected me to accept A's and B's as often as possible. I know our school had AP classes, so why wasn't I in any of them? Why didn't I even TRY to be in any of them? Why didn't my parents make me? So I asked my mom.
Hey look at this!

Xander refuses to feel at me if the tv is on.
So, I asked my mom yesterday why I wasn't in any of the AP classes and she reminded me that they pulled me out of Spanish III. I like I could remember why! Actually, no, no I don't wish. I had to have been Pretty miserable. My mom said that out of the 8 kids, I was the just one they always let fall a class. And it was simply that ONE class. I think I went to yearbook instead. And it was my sophomore year. The ironic thing? I Know the Spanish language. It had to have been socially, which is why I don't recognize that I wish to remember. Oy, the torture! This isn't torture! 
Isn't she adorable? This was New Years Eve. She was modeling one of the hair flowers we made. Which I'd care to do a spot about.Thanks for sticking with me this whole post. It feels good to post again. More coming soon, I promise. As shortly as I get my mind on straight. or at least a little straighter.Tomorrow will be the First Friday Finish It! Don't lose it! Be ready to link up!!!!!!!
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