Friday, May 27, 2011

The Health Update: Vitamin D May Improve Abnormal Semen

Vitamin D May Improve Abnormal Semen
supersperm The Health Update: Vitamin D May Improve Abnormal Semen
Taking vitamin D supplements may help improve signs of abnormal semen by increasing sperm movement, suggests a new study.

According to a report from the University of Copenhagen in Denmark, there is a substantial relationship between blood vitamin D levels in men and the cause of sperm in a lab setting.

"This is an intriguing finding, because it indicate that vitamin D has an impression on sperm movement and function," says Martin Blomberg Jensen of Copenhagen University Hospital.

Sperm movement, or sperm motility, is the the power of a sperm to act in an effective way toward the way of an egg. Problems with sperm movement can be identified through an abnormal semen analysis which may also disclose any problems with sperm quantity, quality, or other factors conducive to male infertility.

The Danish work was conducted using semen samples from 300 healthy men and revealed that that those with the most motile sperm had the highest vitamin D levels in their blood.

Although this determination was significant, the researchers caution that there is not yet enough information to convert current clinical practices. "This determination is not sufficient in determining whether vitamin D supplements may improve sperm quality in formula or infertile males. This field is one in a note of studies indicating that vitamin D is essential for male reproduction," says Martin Blomberg Jensen."

In gain to possibly improving abnormal semen by improving sperm movement, vitamin D has likewise been shown to protect against certain cancers, osteoporosis and various other diseases.

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