Saturday, November 13, 2010

Marketing - Advertising and Social Media Continued.

Some time has past since I finally wrote about ways to push my job and how to go with the many options of social media. Here is the update. I am still overwhelmed by the may options that the net provides in place to promote, grow, conceptualize, market and push my business. I realised that as fantastic as it is to give options, not every one of them will be helpful to my business.

Now, that may look obvious to some, but when every entrepreneur around me is tweeting, creating fan pages, blogging, creating Google Ad words, hoping on to foursquare or whatever the next craze is, it is difficult not to find the nagging guilt that you must likewise be holding up with the "Joneses." Constantly. I decided to value my business example again and try to get rid of this social cloud tweeting around my head. (pun intended. I realised that although it is keen to prepare myself as a brand, my sentence is best spent and my sanity is better saved if I choose a select 2 or 3 mediums to grow instead of spreading myself and my time too thin by developing too many networks that go nowhere.What I have chosen to concentrate on at this sentence is: 1. My blog, of course. It is a great medium to discuss relevant business topics, and open design advice to my readers.2. Twitter - At first I didn't actually get Twitter, but now that I make a blog, what a great way to raise it on with be capable to link with my readers in a brief and succinct manor. 3. Linked In - I do let a linked in profile but until recently have not really gotten involved with groups or discussions. I believe it may be a big way to mesh with former business professionals.I had also previously mentioned that I have tried paid advertising on a place called Interior Design Directory.So far, I take not received any calls or leads that I live of from that site. I leave let it run out of the class and see if anything comes of it.I also started a Facebook page for Conceptual Interiors Inc. but haven't been capable to hold up with the updates (fortunately because I give a lot of study at the moment.This will stay on the back burner until the former 3 can be developed and managed more regularly.Although I am running on those media outlets above, I don't think that they will get me any direct line for awhile. It is more about building a name and a brand, which I do think pays off in the long run if handled correctly. What I do believe will go and what I plan on running on next will be Google Ad Words. This way, I can manage my own advertising campaign and hopefully make a targeted and specific client looking for my services as an interior designer.Now that I have decided on a select few outlets for the meter being, I hope to be capable to strongly develop my sword while having time to really do real business.

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