Saturday, November 27, 2010

Wellington's new route

It`s been a long time coming, but eventually the buses are run through the thoroughfare formerly known as Manners Mall.

Here follow the buses

With clipped bus wing mirrors, bowled down pedestrians, and universal chaos predicted by some, I decided to get down to Manners Street and hold out the new bus route.

Manners Mall

Ol` Manners Mall has gone, daddy, gone and in its rank is the missing link of Manners Street.

Buses were happily run in both directions, and yet though the street looks fairly narrow, there seems to be ample room for buses to go in both directions.

Though launching on a Sunday - the lightest bus day of the week - doesn`t have the good force of a weekday rush hour. We`ll know what that`s like in 24 hours.

Manners Mall

Pedestrians were happily jaywalking across the street, but weren`t mindlessly stepping out into the traffic. All the ones I saw did see both ways before crossing, and so it`s possible to take vantage of traffic lights on red at either end to pluck a good time to cross. But again, things will be different at peak traffic times.

Willis Street

Buses on Willis

Buses are passing up Willis Street too now. About a twelvemonth ago, I had a bus driver preach to the bus around the futility and impossibility of buses making a left-hand turn from Willis into Manners.

Well, the bus I was on made that work with no trouble, though the opposing lane was empty. It seems the route has been widened at the intersection, which should think that both directions can get around the box without crunching.

Mercer Street

Mercer Street

Devoid of buses, Mercer Street was strangely quiet. I remember the 24 will still traveling down Mercer, otherwise it will be odd to the joy of the automobile.

With its use as an important bus road taken away, Mercer Street seems curiously reconnected with its former other half, the bit that became Civic Square. Could Mercer Street have a hereafter as a shared space for pedestrians, motorists and motorcyclists, as good as division of a gateway to the waterfront?

Dixon Street

Dixon Street

Dixon Street is a bit of a mess. All the old bus stop space has been converted to car parks. The street is packed full of cars, which is fine, but the pedestrian experience hasn`t been improved.

Dixon`s always been a bit shabby, and certainly with the buses gone, now would be a full time to smarten it up a bit. New footpaths - wider footpaths - and more of a connection to Aro Park.

If Memphis Belle cafe can occur on and give its little niche of Dixon Street rather lovely, think what could occur if the council put a bit of movement into their part.

Lower Cuba Street

Lower Cuba Street

Ok, this is the one we actually get our eye on.

The buses have gone, but more cars are in. Vehicle entry into Lower Cuba has to be done via a careful right-hand turn from Manners Street, and complete a footpath-level hump.

All the signs are there for Lower Cuba Street to get a very lovely shared space that both people-on-foot and people-in-cars can use together.

But what about Rebel Sport`s recently constructed mall-like blank facade on the old James Smith`s building? Will the Downtown Local fit in? What of that crazy old boarded-up shop? Will munters try to use Lower Cuba as a shortcut between Taranaki and Wakefield? And will Lower Cuba become the new Upper Cuba? Will it be through in time for the Rugby World Cup?!

Let`s hope something nice happens there.

Emo watch

Farewell TimeZone

As we all know, Manners Mall was a favorite hang-out spot of the young emos of Wellington, who liked to smoke, spit and trust and generally loiter about.

Now with the mall gone and TimeZone moving out, where have these youth moved to? If you recognize any groups of angry looking, black-clad young `uns in the CBD, let us know. Like the Powelliphanta snails, we`d like to acknowledge that they`ve been safely relocated to a new habitat.


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