Sunday, November 7, 2010

Life by Chocolate: Robyn Alana Engel's Blog: CHOCO-QUIZ TIME!

Quiet down, boys and girls. I only received this missive from the School Bored:Dear Mrs. Life by Chocolate,We noticed that your students' standardized test scores could not be found. We searched well under the mean, median, and mode. Look lady, it does not do to direct us their cute profile pictures and order us how bright they are for following your silly blog. No, no. You must distribute the following quiz pronto.

Otherwise, we'll cut you off of that nasty chocolate pudding served in the school cafeteria. We love you wish that stuff. Sincerely,Superintendent Dwayne SchneiderWell, I ever thought Dwayne was a sexy superintendent, so I'm going to hit you up with this quiz. Sharpen those #2 pencils, or choose your typewriters out. There will be no cheating. You can place your answers to my email or drop them off in the comments section. Good luck. -1) Cocoa butter (fat) comprises what part of the cocoa bean?A) 23%B) 33%C) 43%D) 53%2) Milk chocolate that is properly stored does not typically last longer thanA) 7 monthsB) 9 monthsC) 11monthsD) 13 years3) True or False: Valentine's Day is celebrated widely in Saudi Arabia.4) United States standards require that milk chocolate contains a minimal of what part of cocoa solids?A) 10%B) 15%C) 30%D) 45%5) Chocolate that "seizes" does what?A) cools to room temperatureB) heats to a boilC) clumps and hardensD) requires immediate mouth-to-mouth resuscitation6) The car that evenly coats candies with smooth creamy melted chocolate is called what?A) EntuberB) EnshellerC) EnroberD) Enabler7) The gray-brown dust that can look on chocolate is called what?A) BloomB) CouvertureC) MatteD) Mold8) Which company marketed the Reggie! bar?A) MarsB) NestleC) Hershey'sD) Standard Brands9) True or False: It is not advisable to drink milk with dark chocolate, because dairy products can conquer the body's ability to absorb antioxidants.10) The most evil chocolate company in the world, and one which has a known story of exploiting child labor, is:A) Hershey'sB) Her CheeseC) I Am The CheeseD) His CrackersThank you for winning this quiz, and make a fun recess. Be measured by the handball courts; the earth is wet from last night's rain. I think I'll take to speak to the super about that. xo

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