Sunday, November 21, 2010


Image and video hosting by TinyPicRobyn got added to the "Sister Wives" opening video credit, that's fun. And does the male ring in the title card have a fourth female ring dangling down and final season it alone had three? We believe it does.The HoneymoonRobyn and Kody are in San Diego for their honeymoon after their ten-month courtship, which is apparently really long for their lifestyle. They enjoin us that most courtships are 60 to 90 days - wow, that is quick.

hey go surfing and spoon and do all these cute couple-y things, including a jaunt to the San Diego Wild Animal Park. That point is particularly hilarious because there are several polygamous animals, like rhinos and lions. Hee.Back at the hotel, Robyn says she insisted that Kody call regularly home to the wives. Kody says he has to abuse it up with a new wife, become a best man and get up a bit.The RanchBack in Utah, the wives are holding down the garrison with the kids. They get taken Robyn's kids for a short while Robyn and Kody are on their honeymoon, even though Robyn left them with her mom. The wives don't know that the honeymoon is 11 days long. We think perhaps that Meri is simply missing Kody, but that Janelle and Christine are jealous.Christine relays that they went on a road trip honeymoon with no itinerary, whereas Meri was cast for her honeymoon, so they delayed it and so hurried through a honeymoon in Yellowstone. Janelle says they road tripped to Wyoming too. Huh. Meri acknowledges that they struggle with Robyn getting a bigger, better wedding/reception/honeymoon. It makes them look less important.When they have the kids on an expedition for a picnic, the wives talk about oldest child Logan really stepping up while Kody is gone. They apparently don't believe he's a big man or something, but they appreciate how responsible he is.They get a little emotional talking about missing Kody and dealings with jealousy. Janelle admits she ignored Kody's call for the first few years of the honeymoon because she was confused with him. Wow, Janelle's hard core.It turns out Janelle's relationship with Kody started as friendship and they're still very great friends and the former wives are envious of that. It's such an interesting dynamic! Just fascinating.When Kody and Robyn return, Christine called Robyn crying and asking Robyn to say she really needed this, which is all Christine needed to hear, apparently? Hmm. You would mean that would be obvious - her situation is not the sami as your three's situation.Robyn confesses that her sisterhood relationship that was there initially kind of got yanked out from below her once the jealousies came out. But she says it's getting better. Her kids appear to be fitting right in, which is gracious to see.Thoughts & Tidbits* Why on earth would the three wives at home take all the kids on a breeze up to the mountains? Oof, what a circus.* We love Kody's comment about zip-lining: "I've got four wives. Nothing scares me but poverty."* We view the honeymoon special was exactly as interesting as the first season of the show, so this has just whetted our whistles for the 2nd season. Are you guys as mad as we are for the record to get second in the spring?SOURCEDISCUSS, RAGE, ANDFIGURE OUT OUR LIVES UNTIL SPRING!A SISTER-WIVES AND OR TLC TAG PLEASE!

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